5 Cent Member

Posts: 85
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2013, 12:11:03 am » |
Here are my 4 Stream lined vendors aka coin op gullwings, I am missing the conveyors but have several drive motors/ gearboxes. I put a short video on youtube of working coin mech and drive motor. I am in the process of reverse-engineering the conveyor from 2 preproduction pictures, wire schemtics. Very big project
5-coin-op,1-ice gullwings, 2 pepsi Deepfreeze( 1 Bernitz top),mills 47B, AV 124, 5-1940's pepsi drum coolers,pepsi vmc 27,V-83, C-72, CD-12,1948 Frigidaire DD pepsi chest, thifty 3 case cooler,VMC SA144, (quikold-pepsi B500,1400wd,double cola1400wd) DD pepsi Ideal P-70,pepsi I-55,RC-55,S&S RC 1400
5 Cent Member

Posts: 85
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2013, 12:27:34 am » |
I forgot to add pictures.
5-coin-op,1-ice gullwings, 2 pepsi Deepfreeze( 1 Bernitz top),mills 47B, AV 124, 5-1940's pepsi drum coolers,pepsi vmc 27,V-83, C-72, CD-12,1948 Frigidaire DD pepsi chest, thifty 3 case cooler,VMC SA144, (quikold-pepsi B500,1400wd,double cola1400wd) DD pepsi Ideal P-70,pepsi I-55,RC-55,S&S RC 1400
5 Cent Member

Posts: 85
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2013, 12:33:01 am » |
inside view
5-coin-op,1-ice gullwings, 2 pepsi Deepfreeze( 1 Bernitz top),mills 47B, AV 124, 5-1940's pepsi drum coolers,pepsi vmc 27,V-83, C-72, CD-12,1948 Frigidaire DD pepsi chest, thifty 3 case cooler,VMC SA144, (quikold-pepsi B500,1400wd,double cola1400wd) DD pepsi Ideal P-70,pepsi I-55,RC-55,S&S RC 1400
5 Cent Member

Posts: 85
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2013, 12:37:01 am » |
lids up on 3 of them
5-coin-op,1-ice gullwings, 2 pepsi Deepfreeze( 1 Bernitz top),mills 47B, AV 124, 5-1940's pepsi drum coolers,pepsi vmc 27,V-83, C-72, CD-12,1948 Frigidaire DD pepsi chest, thifty 3 case cooler,VMC SA144, (quikold-pepsi B500,1400wd,double cola1400wd) DD pepsi Ideal P-70,pepsi I-55,RC-55,S&S RC 1400
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2013, 12:21:02 am » |
It does look like a big project but I'm sure you can handle it. Thanks for the video.
Siphonmix 5A Jacobs 56 Surevend P47 Mills 45,47N,65 La Crosse 56 Glascock Countertop ICY-O Cntrtp Cooler restored ICY-O 120 Liquid Carbonic Back Bar 1890 Fletcher, 1940 Fischman Fountains A-8, A-12 Industrial Carton Cooler Holcomb+Hoke Popcorn Mengel Wood Cooler
Posts: 5
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2013, 05:44:55 am » |
I bought the Gullwing from the original post. I am in the process of fighting the rust demons. This is my first restoration and want to make the cooler look as original as possible. What are the original colors of the cooler? Thanks.
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2013, 05:48:17 pm » |
Congrats on the purchase! As you can tell some people like different things. I find the Pepsi gullwing doors to be very cool. I think they were white with red and blue letters. Pepsi logo in red and the 5 cents in blue and I think mine also says Ice Cold as well in blue. Good luck on resto. The person that seems to know a lot about them is member "coinopgullwing". I'm sure he could help you out with any questions.
Siphonmix 5A Jacobs 56 Surevend P47 Mills 45,47N,65 La Crosse 56 Glascock Countertop ICY-O Cntrtp Cooler restored ICY-O 120 Liquid Carbonic Back Bar 1890 Fletcher, 1940 Fischman Fountains A-8, A-12 Industrial Carton Cooler Holcomb+Hoke Popcorn Mengel Wood Cooler
Posts: 5
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2013, 07:22:31 am » |
Thanks. I have talked to Coinop Gullwing. He has lots of info. The machine was gutted on the inside. I will probably turn it into an ice box.