Well, I bought it. I overpaid for it, especially when you add in the extra 25% seller fees, etc., but I wanted one for years and figured that by the next time I see one, the price would go up even more. Especially if people start developing an interest in them, just like the Popperettes did and any other unknown or little known machine. It's still cheaper than a Vendo changer and five times as large. Now I'm just waiting to be contacted and hopefully the guts are inside, otherwise I'll probably spew out my guts after seeing that I just bought a cool looking shell.

Thanks Dave for bringing it to my attention. I frequently google, ebay, and Craigs list this machine, but they do not come up to often. Every five years or so. I really like Mark and Jills greenish blue Nickels machine. Who are they? I don't know. They had one on their web site a few years back, but their web site went away a few months ago. The picture is still out there. I'll have to find it.