Well, opening the door was indeed a chore. A 3/8" wouldn't cut it, so I went with the 10mm. I got some movement, then the rust gave way and it was semi-stripped. I ended up using some electrical tape to thicken things up and some particular application of angles to move it the rest of the way. Finally I got it where I could pull the door off the final thread.....won't be closing it again with that lock on there.
The bottom gasket on the door is coming off, and there is some more rust visible inside. It's in decent shape for being 50 years old and used that whole time, but it does look like I'm in the market for a door.
At the moment, I have three questions:
1. Is the lower compartment where you pre-cool bottles or something? Just curious about that.
2. Having left the top lid open for a while, I realized some water had dripped out from inside the lid and under the gasket. Sign of anything I should be concerned about? As far as I know, this wasn't exposed to the elements on the way over, so it almost has to be leftover condensation, and I'm guessing having that in the lid isn't necessarily desirable.
3. In the very bottom of the interior, the drain hole is pretty clogged (see pic). Anything special I should know before I try to detach the drain hose and poke it through?