Well, not really, but my first Coke machine did arrive from Athens, GA yesterday.

It works (and was being used up until I bought it), it has some nice character, and other than a short period of a high-pitched whine when something first kicked on (similar to a worn fan belt on a car), it hasn't given me much to worry about yet. There was some water inside (after a week making the trip over in trucks and through a warehouse!) that spilled out when I put it on the hand truck. The drain tube looks intact, so I'm wondering if that indicates it's blocked somewhere...
However, there are definitely some things that I would like to address, either soon or over time, as well as getting some expert opinions. Pics to illustrate!
First up: the side door. Apparently the S screw (or whatever it's officially called) to open it was attached to the power cord and came off during shipping. I need a replacement, and judging from the rust inside, probably a new lock mechanism. Does anyone make a handle you can use instead? I've got no reason to leave this locked.
Note that the door itself is dented at the bottom, with rust showing. Should I try to find a replacement?

The cord looks good, but there's a bit of copper showing in the corner. The picture came out a little blurry, so it's only the small shiny strip. Electrical tape, or new cord?

Here we have the rack. Something is flaking off, and there's obviously rust. Use as is or find someone to re-coat?

Not much use for the coin mechanism either, but here it is. No key. Might be nice to have one.

Here's the underneath. Anything stand out as needin' fixin'? Bonus points for identifying the species of spider I've apparently introduced to my home.

Here's the plate in case it helps with parts.

Finally, out of curiosity, what was this logo?

Thanks in advance for any info and advice!