My very first machine was a little square top 7up (vendolator 56)... the 5&10 store I worked at asked me to haul it to the dumpster.
I hauled it past the dumpster to my truck... took it to a friends house... didn't know what I was gonna do with it but thought it
was cool... went away to college when I came back that spring... friend had moved and left the machine in the house
Later on I picked up a rare (well I thought it was at the time) Westinghouse Master... being used to keep worms in for an old
farmer.. bought it for $25.. thought I surely had the only one left in the world! Wow... seems you can shake a tree and one falls out..
those are everywhere... but was still a great find and got me into collecting... I've had several... traded/sold several... and still
enjoy looking... but would be nice to score something... say... oh I don't know... a Quikold?