« on: July 27, 2012, 06:08:12 pm » |
Hello Guys,
Brand new to the form. I recently purchased an Ideal 55 slider at a swap meet. No rust, no dents, runs great gets real cold, but as usual no coin mech, or slider assm. paid $100. Soooooooo the very next day of the swap meet I find another one that looked similar to mine only bigger. (Ideal 85 slider) This one "HAD" a coin mech. on it. but no slider mech either. The guy just wanted to get rid of it so he wouldnt have to haul it back home. Sooooooo $50 later I have two. My questions is will the 15 cent coin mech from the 85 fit on the 55? and if so should I drill out the lock on the coin mech. or is it easy to find a key? and how hard is it to find the slider for the 55? Prices? Thank you for any help you can give!
S & S 700 Royal Crown Chest Ideal 55 slider 7 Up Silver King Hot nut vendor Tokheim 39 "highboy" GULF NO-NOX gas pump Watling penny Scale Popcorn sez machine Du Grainer candy bar & Gum Machine Wurlitzer 1400 Jukebox and wall box Exhibit Mystery PinBall Bally Gayetey Bingo National
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 06:51:03 pm » |
Hello, Slider
And Welcome To the Site . Slider Bob On here Is the Man On these I'm Sure He'll Chime In
Glascock Counter Top VMC 81 7Up Vendo-110-81D-V-56 V-23 Jacobs Pepsi-56 Stoner Cookie &5 Pull Pastry& 180 Candy Kelvinator FS-51(Canada) Cavalier's C-55-E-C-55-D Selmix Sprite Selmix Pepsi on Draugh
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 07:21:50 pm » |
Welcome. It's easier to find the rack for a 55 than the 85, but yeah Slider-Bob may have the racks, and a copy of the keys. I'd look for a repop key before drilling.
"Restored they go for $6-7,000!!" Member : Michigan Mafia
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2012, 08:03:05 pm » |
The coin mechs are interchangeable, so they will all work on the other machines. They all just turn the square rod that turns the flapper. If Bob does not have any, I think Slapshot just posted one for sale. Check the check the swap meet area, shipping is brutal, so location may dictate the end price, but I think it is about $225-250 plus $40is shipping.
any I'm way to impatient to try to find a key!! I just drill!!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2012, 09:46:51 pm » |
Slider...Welcome to the forum!
Tim (MaineT) is spot on.
I'm out of 55 racks (however, I do have an 85 rack for sale), and I know Jared (Slapshot42) has a real clean 55 rack for sale. Send him a PM for pics. Often, you get the slider/cooler cheap, and then spend much more on the parts to make it complete. Worth it though!
As far as the lock goes, drill it out and buy a new lock. Better use of your time to keep working on it, then waiting to find the correct key which can be time consuming.
Restored Coke 81D Restored Pepsi, 7up VMC 81 Restored Popperette Restored Wayne 60
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2012, 08:31:06 pm » |
I sent pictures of my parts to your e mail did you get them?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2012, 07:18:54 pm » |
Yes, thank you! I sent a reply to your Email.
S & S 700 Royal Crown Chest Ideal 55 slider 7 Up Silver King Hot nut vendor Tokheim 39 "highboy" GULF NO-NOX gas pump Watling penny Scale Popcorn sez machine Du Grainer candy bar & Gum Machine Wurlitzer 1400 Jukebox and wall box Exhibit Mystery PinBall Bally Gayetey Bingo National
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2012, 07:29:22 pm » |
I replied back a few hours ago.
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2012, 08:21:00 pm » |
Another question guys ? Will the flapper from an ideal 85 Fit with the slider rack assembly of the ideal 55 ??
S & S 700 Royal Crown Chest Ideal 55 slider 7 Up Silver King Hot nut vendor Tokheim 39 "highboy" GULF NO-NOX gas pump Watling penny Scale Popcorn sez machine Du Grainer candy bar & Gum Machine Wurlitzer 1400 Jukebox and wall box Exhibit Mystery PinBall Bally Gayetey Bingo National
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2012, 08:25:04 pm » |