« on: January 24, 2012, 10:47:47 pm » |
A few weeks back an early CS-64 popped up on Craigslist about 10 miles from me, so I went to go check it out. The guy who had it said the compressor lines were cut, but I at least had to take a look. When I got there, he showed me two copper lines coming out of the back of the machine that were cut off, and my next thought was to look on the side of the machine for the screw holes from the water fountain. Sure enough, the lines that were cut were from a side mounted fountain. The power plug was cut off at the back, normally indicating that something must have been wrong with the compressor. I didn't want to gamble on a dead compressor, so I told him all about the machine and sent along the manuals and some more info on it.
I got an email from him tonight telling me to call him right away...he told me he was able to wire in a new plug and sure enough, it fired up quiet as could be, and got cold in no time...then the bad news...he said he just sold it. $200. Oh well, would have been a nice restoration, everything was pretty straight and it was complete, win some you lose some.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 10:54:25 pm » |
You did the right thing. Another will come along. Creighton
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 12:50:24 am » |
Good for you. You helped the guy out, I'm really surprised he didn't ge back in touch with you before he sold it. Especially once he found out it cooled. If there is any carma floating around in your neck of the woods, a nice round top will come knocking on your door.
Vendo 56 - restored Vendo 81 - in progress Vendo 39 - in the rough Rockola 1428 - Original 1959 Williams Pinch Hitter Wurlitzer 1400 1930 Koken Barber Pole
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 11:00:20 am » |
SO did he call just to rub it in ? or what . "Hey thanks for the great advice,but sorry sold out , Oh.. did you want it?"... Thanks buddy! 
Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 11:02:48 am » |
I call this 'kissing a few frogs"
It is the life we have signed up for.
Sometimes we do get lucky.
Vendo 39 Original Cavalier C-51 Restored Cavalier C-96 Restored (almost done) GE Double Chiller Restored Cavalier C-33 7 Up Restored Vendo 27b Pepsi Vendo 81b Westinghouse wd-5 / WE-6 3 Stoner Candy/Theatre/Junior/180 Bastian Blessing Bobtail soda fountain Jacobs 56 Pepsi
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2012, 11:09:15 pm » |
I bet he decided to keep it since it worked, he prob bought it with intentions to fix it. Then you come along and he discovers it worked the whole time and decicded to keep it and didnt wanna tell you, win some loose some. just my two cents.
selectivend 64 sa 2 cavalier 96 1975 bally hi deal em pinball machine 1920 wate and fate penny scale
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2012, 01:44:17 am » |
He actually bought it for his wife, she was a big coke collector, and he surprised her with it one day...needless to say she hated it and it sat in his garage for a few years until he finally decided to let it go. I got an email that said "call me right away" which got me excited, then the obvious 'it works, but I sold it'. More or less, he just called me to thank me for the advice, and to let me know what happened with it, nice guy can't be mad at something like that.
I'm probably in the karma hole a few for the V-44 that I got a few years back, the guy kept true and only sold it to me because I was the first one to email...$1200 and he had offers for twice that. I cleaned it up, fixed a couple things and doubled my money in two months.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 01:47:46 am by tkaz »
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2012, 09:27:55 am » |
"Character" is something we show when there's nothing in it for us.............Kudos to you! Tom
Grapette Quickold Standard AMI I200 AMI H200 Wurlitzer 61, 600, 700, 750, 800, 1080, 2100 Packard Musical Bar Chicago Coin BandBox 15 remote speakers and counting A bunch of Grapette stuff Some really cool vending machines