I've never been. Going to keep my eyes peeled on that site for now on... Thanks..

I ran an ad on the local CL and had a guy respond with a 56-7. Turns out I know him, fellow Pinball collector, said he just purchased it for $150 but it was smaller than what he was looking for along with being a can stack. I traded him some glass score displays for it today. Someone sprayed the black on it.. In the next few days I'm going to utilize some of my cabinet restore techniques n see if I can salvage the original paint underneath.
Hopefully the outcome, on this little vendo, will be the same as this Comet machine that took about an hour to get back the original artwork.


A little better shot:

***Edited*** Due to not wanting to spam the forum with a bunch of pics, I posted pics on this thread that I made after taking some pics.
http://soda-machines.com/discussions/index.php/topic,14288.0.htmlHere's the only pic I have of the machine right now (from ebay listing)