If it were only 5 hours away from me and I had never been before and there was a cahnce to meet up with a load of guys who share my
hobby I'd definately be going.
Get in that van and get down there.
We'll said Dave!!! All I can say is if you havne't been there, then this is the time to come.. not to mention the good group of guys/gals on hand, but it's just plain fun... if your a regular on this site and love what others have to post about, etc... then this is like a real life version of a website.. actual people finding deals, makeing deals , finding things to add to their collection and the best part, you can see what they are getting first hand! pretty cool..
and like I said if you have something you want to sell, your more than welcome to drop it by my booth, it'll be me and a buddy heading down this year. oh and those within 5-6 hours.. it's not a bad drive! (wow, I sound like it's my show or something?) I just have fun seeing everyone!