Skeleton Man
« on: April 10, 2011, 10:12:14 pm » |
Hi all,
Long time no see on these boards, just got back into coin ops (still got my Wurlitzer and my CSS-8-64). I'm having problems with an NRI 9830 mech on my Wurlitzer 2600 jukebox, but I figured this was the better place to post (vs "Other Coin-Ops").
Anyway, the problem is that quarters work fine, but nickels and dimes are rejected. If I tilt the coin mech to the right, I can get dimes to work (if the mech is level they are rejected), but no luck with nickels. I'm in Canada and there is a sticker on the mech that says "Canada", so it's (supposed to be) tuned for canadian coins.
I sprayed the entire thing with liquid wrench in an attempt to lube the mech, which helped the quarters run smoothly, but no help with nickels and dimes.
Can anyone suggest a fix or adjustment, and/or point me at a service manual ?
P.S. On a more soda-machine related note, does anyone have any shelves for a CSS-8-64 ?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 10:37:23 pm » |
I think I have the shelves you many do you want? cokecolaman@comcast.netRon
VMC Coke 88 (nice original) VMC Pepsi 81 VMC Orange Crush 81 VMC Squirt 81 VMC Dr. Pepper 81 VMC RC 81 VMC 7up 81 st Vendo 44 original Jacobs 56 Pepsi Cavalier 33
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2011, 10:58:30 pm » |
Welcome back! All slug rejectors are designed to work clean and dry. Take the slug rejector out and run it through the dishwasher (or boil it) to get all of the LW out of it, then blow it out with some compressed air. Make sure all screws are tight also. If you want to take it a step further, remove all of the coin cradles and ream the post holes with a pipe cleaner and a little Brasso or similar product. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the post and twist it a few times as well.
Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72 S-48 DP Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55 1930s DP Counter Cooler Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand) Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V. VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60 Victor C-14
Skeleton Man
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 11:40:59 pm » |
Ron - I need 4 shelves, sent you email.
collecture - I will try cleaning in the DW. Should I use soap ? Do I clean both upper and lower parts ? (there's upper, lower, and the metal case with the coin paddles attached) This is the first time I've seen a purely mechanical mech.
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2011, 12:18:42 am » |
I am talking strictly about the slug rejector. This is the part that test coins for validity and can usually be separated from the coin mechanism or switches fairly easily. I break the rejectors completely down for cleaning, but some NRI manuals suggest the boiling procedure and others have had success with the DW.
To be safe, why don't you post a picture of your assembly and I'll ID what I'm talking about.
Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72 S-48 DP Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55 1930s DP Counter Cooler Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand) Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V. VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60 Victor C-14
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2011, 11:15:03 am » |
Welcome back Chris. Been following your Wurly progress on the juke mailing list. Sorry, not meaning to hijack the thread. Carry on
"Restored they go for $6-7,000!!" Member : Michigan Mafia
Skeleton Man
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 01:43:43 am » |
Thanks Kilroy, I decided it's been sitting long enough, time to put some real work into it. collecture - Here are some pictures, both the slug rejector and the main part of the mech are removable. Hence why I asked if I can wash the mech also. The only electronics are a collection of paddle switches at the bottom of the mech, there are no CREMs, transformers, circuit boards, etc. It looks like there are several adjustments on the rear but I have no idea what they do.   
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2011, 11:12:29 am » |
Two parts to most every old coin mech - slug rejector and coin mechanism. The slug rejector tests coins for validity and directs them to the coin mech, switches, etc I have cropped your picture leaving just the slug rejector. I'd just blow out the rest of the mechanism with compressed air. Looks like your missing the rejector cover plate.
Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72 S-48 DP Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55 1930s DP Counter Cooler Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand) Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V. VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60 Victor C-14
Skeleton Man
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 01:37:44 pm » |
Thanks, I will try the compressed air. Re the cover plate, I removed it myself to see if I could trace where/why the nickels/dimes were being rejected.
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 02:37:00 pm » |
If the nickel is being rejected, but at least passing through the rejector - not getting stuck in the rejector somewhere along the coin path. Then it's path is dirty and/or possibly may need a couple of minor adjustments.
Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72 S-48 DP Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55 1930s DP Counter Cooler Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand) Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V. VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60 Victor C-14