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Author Topic: Cm-51v  (Read 5002 times)
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« on: April 06, 2004, 09:33:58 pm »

I know the more common name is the cavalier 51 but this one seems a little different starting with the coin drop or lack there of--is just a wooden panel with a handle which you can open the front door like a refrigerator.  Silver drawer that doesn't seem to have a purpose  unless it was to open it up to get your coke.  serial number 206689 I think

on the sides its says drink coke in bottles--on the front top "Have coca cola in bottles"

Just wondering how many were made and why these were made--I think it would take relatively little effort to get this thing working--the plug is not a 110 so I would have to convert that--and I know little about refrigeration.  The unit itself has some scratches aprimarily around the corners but the print  andthe paint overall looks great--no dents or dings just scratches here and there

Just wondering--

« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2004, 01:50:14 am »

So should I leave this as it is or convert it to a cavalier 51?
Soda Jerks
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#1 Soda Jerk!

« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2004, 07:56:20 am »

How about a photo...
When the C-51 was introduced, Cavalier only made chest-type coolers which leads me to believe the "V" in C-51v stood for "vertical"... I don't recall seeing documentation on this as my memory is slipping...

My six cents,


« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 10:05:34 pm »

I don't have photo capabilities yet for the net though I'm working on that.  This soda machine looks and measures the exact same as a C-51 with exactly the same everything except the "ammo belt" is not there.  The dispensing door is the same as a c-51, the writing is exactly the same.  The coin mechanism is replaced by the brown [anel with the door handle that opens up the hole fron like a refiigerator door.  The measurements are the same as a c-51 also.  I think its just a variance of the c-51 for some kind of office or private usage-where no coin mechanism was desired. I'll post a picture one of these days when I get a digital camera
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2004, 10:47:04 am »

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...... it's probably a C-51. The amo belt was missing so someone used it for a fridge. The coin door was probably a hasstle to open before unlatching the main door, so it was removed, as well as the coin mechanism. The handle is likely original with the wood around it to cover the holes.                                                                              Glen

« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2004, 12:40:07 am »

Could be.

I just wonder why the model number--CM-51V is not one that is found anywhere
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2004, 12:41:01 am »

Could be.

I just wonder why the model number--CM-51V is not one that is found anywhere--therefore all the stuff that makes it different form the c-51 are not changes but the way it originally was
Soda Jerks
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#1 Soda Jerk!

« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2004, 06:41:18 am »

Without seeing a picture, it's difficult to say what may or may not have been done to your machine...

Most people and documentation as well refer to the Cavalier CM-51v as a C-51 for simplicity. There's even a CM-51g...

The base machine is a model 51; the letters denote slight modifications by Cavalier that may have been included for some reason or another...

My six cents,


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