My wife and I went and took a look at an old house, circa 1900, in our city's historic district the other day. After looking at the upper levels of the home we made our way down into the basement. I was poking around in a corner looking at electrical and plumbing when the wife calls out "Hey, look at this, it's a Coke machine!" I almost snapped my neck in two turning around to look.
Turns out it's a Cornelius Compact 50 with rack and everything! It surprised me to see the machine down there and I was equally surprised that my wife found it before I did! There's hope yet!!!

The owner of the home lives down in Florida full time now. If we end up making an offer on the house I'm pretty sure the machine comes with it.
So should I look at it from the standpoint of the house comes with the machine or the machine comes with the house.......