I didn't take much in photos this year, was too busy selling, Like Brian said , it was a good show.. I probably will do the spring show too and definately Nov. again..
For those of you who wanted inside photos.. go to the Photo gallery and look under last years and years previous photos.. as it doesn't change much from year to year.. similiar stuff every time..
Here is one more group shot from the SMC annual Convention Dinner

Also a big thank you to Rod and Janet from Funtronics, they ended up picking up the Room rental Fee for all of us!!! Thank you Funtronics you guys Rock!
Attached is the photo.. I'll do my best to name everyone, there where only a few I didn't meet for some reason?
From Left to Right, starting in Front:
__________,Janet (Funtronics),Rod (Funtronics), Me (Signguy),Jnapp,Brian Beeson,Diego (Coke Machines and more), Matt Carter
Back Row: Pat Pixley, David D, Jeff (Vintage Air), Larry (Formerly Mills400c), Eric , __________, ____________, Tom from Jersey.
I met the other guys, but sorry, can't recall names.