Worked a little more on the Selectivend today. Plugged it in and it had pop cold in a very short time and then kicked off when it was supposed to. Since there's no coin mech in it at present I opened it up and took out a can to see how cold it was and when I closed it back up again the compressor kicked on again and ran till it was cold inside again. I'm REAL happy about that. I took the sign out and got the bulb and starter from behind it to get replacements this week, I took out the two screws like Creighton said to and the display bout fell out and hit me in the head....

Brought the plastic filler piece where the price is displayed home with me and am in the process of polishing it. I have a polishing kit that I use for model cars and it goes to 4000 grit and makes the pieces look like new so I'm working on that right now. It's gonna take more than I thought to get the selector buttons out, which is unfortunate, but they are really trashed. I'm gonna have to see if I can fix one good enough to use for an original to make an RTV mold from. I know I can, it'll just be more work than I wanted to do.
I also brought the bezel from around the can door opening to buff on my rotary buffer. Being as it's cast aluminum, I think, it should look really good when I'm done.
The little Selectivend winged SV badge is plastic so I'll see about having a model buddy Alclad chrome that for me, the machine will be inside so that should hold up well enough.
This week I should get a coin mech that I know works so next time I can put it in and see if the machine vends, I sure hope so, it'd make my day.