First I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Vendo_110 !

I Bought this, and it is a BEAUTY Unrestored in original paint. My offer was excepted with a "yeah that's fine" so I did Not pay the $850.00 he was asking for it in his AD.
The Vendo 81A needs a new cord, its rotted around the plug, and I need a key, but it is in the Unlocked position so I can open it.
Looks like 4 Trays that sit inside at an angle are sadly Missing. But everything else seems to be intact.

I have always had a Passion for Coke stuff only having some small items and a sign or two and some posters, cans bottles glasses coaster, stuff like that, I have ALWAYS wanted a COKE Machine like this Vendo, but rarely see the round tops around here for a price I could afford when younger. I'm nopw 48 so I thought I WANT me a dang COKE MACHINE, so I bought the Westinghouse WD 102 MD for $50.00 and figured I would spend my time searching for parts to restore it, Then this Vendo 81A pops up Here 1 day later so I JUMPED on it. Happy Happy!
Thanks again for the heads up I would have Missed it since searching for "coke Machine" did not bring it up.
I will post pics of Both soon. I gotta downsize them for the web in photoshop.
I joined here a couple days ago and was waiting to get approved so I could post about another Coke machine I just bought 2 days ago, a Westinghouse WC 102 MD with the select dial. (it runs and is cold but needs alot of work.)
So let the FUN begin as I start looking for parts for Both.

Time to order up some of those Manuals for these to start.