Yep , It's a very rare machine, [Ice cooler technically.] & keep in mind that these style coolers were really a generic & could have any "decals" applied at any point in it's early working life, so it doesn't really make it a "Dr. Pepper" machine. any more than stickering up any other cooler with a "Sprite-Boy" decal makes it a "Coke" machine.
But a very rare bird to be sure in it's own right
(as a side note, I hate the word "rare" as it is applied to auctions) so when I've used it here, I mean it!

As another side note, he shouldn't be using copyrighted photos from Jeff Walters soda-machine guides to illustrate his auction, as this can get his auction yanked right when the bidding gets up there, as any bidder that gets pissed off can call him on it & Ebay
WILL yank the auction.
I sent him a friendly FYI in regards to the picture he unless it is THE Jeff Walters selling this Item, he/they are warned.