Thanks RCkid for the welcome and the advice. I am thinking of looking into getting a sand blasting gismo to use with my air compressor (I think I have seen them a the big box stores cheap) as it might be useful again in the future. I was also thinking of having it painted at a bodyshop or having it powder coated (don't know enough about either to know what I am saying though...

Funtronics- while waiting over the weekend to get my sign-on figured out i looked at your site and downloaded (and printed) your catalogs and price list. At the moment it seems very hard to tell if something is the right one or not but I hope it will make more sense as I progress. If not you'll be working hard helping me figure out what to buy...
So far it seems i need to :
1. take pictures
2. disassemble, inventory, and take more pictures
3. body work and take pictures
4. paint and take pictures
5. reassemble and take pictures
Anything I need to watch out for in taking it apart?
Thanks all.