Well I was looking on Craigs list and saw a vendo63 Dr pepper and she was high on the price and I told her but she had sold it , But she told me she had a 7Up chest that was on there, So I took a look at it it was a Ideal 55 and Missing Bottle rack ,Coin mech, bottle opener,
cap catcher & the inside shelf
and she was asking $100 (yeah Right) so I offered $40
and she said Ok. So on my way out I called Johnie G and was telling him about this and I was telling him it probably was missing the compressor (just my luck) but it would make for a great parts machine,
Well I got there and it had the compressor and a line cord (go figure) so we got it plugged in and let it run for a few checked the inside and it was [
here are some pictures look at the front
Kind of neat plaque & riveted on