« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 06:34:06 pm » |
Have you had it apart lately, before it started buzzing?
what you are hearing is probably the CREMS ( Coin/Return/Eletro-Magnets) these are activated by several things, there are two sets of CREMS in the 9800 series, the top one is for rejecting nickels, the bottom unit is for rejecting dimes & quarters.
1) there are not enough nickels for change in the coinmechs change tubes & the lower CREM is activated.
2) the sold out lever(s) are tripped & it is sending a signal to the coinmechs CREMS to reject coins because it thinks it's empty. thus tripping both the top & bottom CREM.
3)the movable plates (called the armatures) on the CREMS are somehow dislodged from their pivot points/hinge spring area. or the wire fingers that are attached to the CREMS movable Plate ( called the armature) are misaligned & are not centered into their corresponding holes in the back of the slug rejector, & are causing the armature(s) to be jammed.
you cannot test the CREMS on the bench just by plugging the mech into line voltage across pins 1 & 2. without a coimech tester, they get their power from the machine once the coinmech is plugged into the jones socket from pin #7,
pop out the slug rejector from the coinmech, & remount it into the machine, now plug it back into the jones socket, if the buzzing goes away, or is very much reduced, it may just be a misaligned slug-rejector. if it's still biuzzing loudly, try to gently apply pressure to the armature ( carefull, it could be hot to the touch) if it quites it down, then try to shim a thin 1/2" piece of plastic just under the little flat spring at the top center of the armature. this should give you a little more tension on the spring & help hold the armature flat against the magnets Coil/Core.
DO NOT try to remove the armature from the CREM(s) OR try to bendthe spring, it's brittle & if you break the spring (which is easy to do!!!) you'll be sorry, ( and you think it's loud now!)
Plan B: replace the CREMS , or you could just remove the Armatures & remove the source of the buzzing, but if you do this, the coinmech will not reject any coins due to now change or a sold-out condition.
Plan C: replace the coinmech.