Got home from the Lambeau last night around 2am... Was going to stay and party after the "Win" but needless to say , wasnt' much to celebrate... It was a great time the whole day... got there around Noon and every bar was packed... was plenty bundled up... and was pretty comfortable during the game.... pretty much lost my voice cheering for D-Fence!!! since they where on the feild 2x as much as the offense..
Oh well... 99% of the players are returning next year for the Pack, (Favre i think too) so hopefully we'll have another great season....
I'll give in, gotta stick with the NFC.. Go Giants!!!
Wow you were at the game?
It was like 3 below I heard. No wonder the Packers
had trouble, it's a wonder everyone wasn't frozen solid!
Global warming's really making it's presence known this year.
I think I told my sister-whose a Super Manning Bros. fan- back at the beginning of the year
the Giants weren't going to make it to the Super Bowl. I guess I'll have to eat crow now.