« on: May 14, 2007, 09:17:24 am » |
My compressor starts for a couple seconds than shutts off. It does this repeatedly. Is my compressor shot? I tried a 3 and 1 starter and it did the same thing. If I get a new compressor, how do I run the lines since all the ones are soldered into the old (junk) compressor? I need Help! '>
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2007, 01:40:56 pm » |
Once you've tried the 3 in 1 start kit and the same thing happens... you machine is shot. You will need a refrigeration tech to do the work for you. Unless you are proficient in refrigeration, it's best left to the experts.
What kind of machine do you have?
how's that OBAMA CARE workin' out for ya?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2007, 10:09:45 pm » |
An old pepsi vendorlator.
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 11:19:11 pm » |
Eric at global compressors is the best in the business. His number and advertisment is at the top of this page.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2007, 08:35:20 pm » |
His work looks nice, but $500 is alot for a new cooling system. Theirs gotto be another way I can fix it. Wonder if I could just cut the lines and buy a new compressor and try reinstalling the old lines on it? Don't really know though. Anyone out their done this before? '>
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2007, 09:05:41 pm » |
Welcome to the board. In all due respect if you don't know how to restore vintage comprssor decks, don't try it at home. Eric is the master of his craft because he has "been there done that" equiped with correct tools etc...
You may be able to find someone local up to the task. Please search the posts by Eric/Globalcompressors. He has posted many tips and questions to ask when using a local shop. Great knowledge there that you get for free.
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 01:23:46 am » |
What is your machine? There are many people here that have parts machines that might have a spare cooling system they would be willing to sell. Also you could buy a parts machine that cools and use its cooling system.
There is alot of work and special tools that goes into rebuilding a refrigeration deck. First our machines use R12 which is no longer available so you have to use a replacement coolant which needs an HVAC license to obtain. (don't use 134a) Then you need special tools such as a vacuum pump, Manafolds, and many other specialized tools that are expensive.
I once thought I could do it myself and bought some of the tools and a how to book. I lasted about an hour and threw the deck away. It is alot harder than it looks. Also when you send it off to Eric it isn't just a rebuilt deck it is fully restored. He rewires the whole unit, replaces all of the fan motors and paints the whole system to match the correct colors. It is expensive but it is worth the $$$
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2007, 09:20:33 am » |
I have a Pepsi Vendorlator. Thanks for everyones replies. I think I'm just going to wait and see if my brother can get me a used one. (He works for Pepsi)
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 10:27:10 am » |
When deck swapping, things to keep in mind:
Try to find one from a similar machine, horsepower differs as well as the size and configuration of your cooling coils. A can vending machine is tight for space and some bottle shelf units may lose the usage of the bottom shelf. Also make sure the refrigeration lines enter the cooling area on the same side as yours. I think VMC usually is on the left.