« on: January 29, 2007, 07:44:24 pm » |
Hey guys back from Michigan (frick it's cold up there!!!). Signed the papers on my new house today in TN. Hope all is well with everyone.
So... I have a guy drooling to get a college ball machine for his realtor office and he would also like one for his open houses. Best thing is he's a realtor (good exposure)!!
I want to use my VF90's. If I go through the thing inside out, what kind of $$ should I ask for?
Everything works, and the machines are clean (not a lot of intense labor) but I'd like to send the compressor and stuff to Eric to get the once over.
So here is what I am looking at for investment (at the moment):
Machine cost (including trip) - $75.00 Global - ?? My Labor - ?? Paint and materials for machine - ??
Is $900 to $1200 out of the question for a solid "like new" machine?
Is $700 to $900 out of the questions without the compressor being done?
Or can you even get more!!! '>
I would like to have the compressor sweet, just because of the exposure. I don't want it to fail on the guy, although I could tell him I'll take care of it if something happens in the next year...
Any advice for my 1st potential buyer would be cool.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 08:32:42 pm » |
I would do it right, remove the entire liner and tub, sandblast every square inch. seal and fix any and all problems now, Its your reputation on the line. As for the shelves etc you could get away with just scrubbing them. But paint, powder coat etc always shows better. As for paint on the outside the sky is the limit again with your graphics. With the compressor work, seals, gaskets, paint, lights, ballast etc. You would easily hit over $1k in parts and materials. For price I would start out at about $2,500.00. Some people call me crazy as on the high side many call me crazy on to cheap. Just my two cents.
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 09:16:51 pm » |
Dave - depends on how good your work is, what you need/want to recover for your parts and labor and what someone else is willing to pay. I haven't seen many amateur restorations go for more than $1000. Some of the professional ones go as high as 5K for the old roundtops. Fantasy machines are harder to guage as they dont have a built-in collectors market. If you have a guy drooling then I'd try at least $1500 and see what happens.
Thanks, Bryan Cavalier USS-96: unrestored, working on the back patio CV VUB/C 8-91: a fantasy restoration? GE Cooler: in pieces, my next project
David D
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2007, 09:40:00 pm » |
Check out the following link below, the prices are quite high. I once created a Budweiser theme machine, originally planned on selling it but like it so much it ended keeping it.
Thanks, David
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2007, 10:23:15 pm » |
Work this backwards. Create a theme and then compute the cost of your work in phases. Paint / artwork / refrigeration work / purchased parts and your own time etc. Add some profit and present it to him. Here's when you can allow HIM to start cutting his cost or at the same time you can justify your charges.
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 08:37:13 pm » |
I think that another guy to ask is Terry. Remember, he did a USC
Trojan machine for a customer. It really turned out nice! As far as
refrigeration, it simply depends on the condition of the unit. Figure
$495 minimum, 18 month warranty-$695...100% brand new/3 year warranty,
either one passed on to your customer.
how's that OBAMA CARE workin' out for ya?
Pat Pixley
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2007, 04:29:01 pm » |
Also don't forget any chrome should be rechromed if there is a sign of it looking bad or so so.
and don't forget you can nickel plate some parts that are on the inside the coin door(main door latch coin box, cap catcher and so on) remember it is the reputation that you are looking to get and that one would be a good one .
Pat :'>
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2007, 11:58:16 pm » |
Do a complete restoration!! Sell for 2500.00-2800.00
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2007, 11:59:44 pm » |
I have a client buying a ST56 Raiders theme machine for 2750.00 but he'll have to wait until around summertime.
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2007, 12:47:20 am » |
Hey guys been awhile, just got in the new house and trying to get things straight. Still don't have enough boxes out of the way to start any machines. Bryan give me a chance before calling me amateur!!! LOL... Thanks for the feed back, I actually have more interest from people in TN than I can handle, hopefully my restore skills are as good as I think they can be. Shouldn't be to hard with the "SMC" skill set and tools I have aquired. If I suck, I just want to let you know.... You are all responsible!!! '>