« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2005, 09:09:31 am » |
To access the vending motors, which are under the slanted bottom shelf beneath the augers, you must disassemble the rack & pull out the vending motor/auger assembly, the picture of my old CVV224 will show you where the attachment screws are located. be aware that the rack assembly can weigh up to ~80 lbs! & you won't want it dropping onto your foot! You might want to get a buddy to assist you.
First remove the upper rack by removing the upper & lower rack-screws, then tip the top of the rack towards you while lifting up & pull it out of the machine pay attention to the rear spacers, they tend to stick out below the bottom of the actual rack & can get hung up on the auger supports, you don't want to bust an auger!
Next, if equipt, pull out the support rack then slide the auger assy forward onto it so you can get at the electrical connectors, it to is HEAVY, be carefull! now you can put it on the work bench & flip it upside down to inspect the motors & gears.
The augers are labeled for which position they belong in, (in referance to the front of the machine as you'd be facing it with the door open to load it up) Front=Frt, middle-rear=M-R, middle-front= M-Frt, and Rear=R, dont get them mixed up!
Then gears are also postion sensitive, the main index gear has two or four index "bumps" that activate the index switch,&depending on how you align then, they will set up the augers to vend single, double, or double wide 12 oz. can vending, or long-neck or short-neck glass bottles. there is (or should br ) an indexing setup guide on the inside of your loading door showing which gear goes where.
as for the motors, once they are out in the open, wipe off any old dried up white grease frow the gears & the motors drive worm-gear, & relube them with white lithium grease, inspect then for missing and worn teeth. cracks. etc.