I'm afraid R12 is not for sale legally to the public,(in the USA,it's still available in Mexico & South America) you'll have to look up a licensed refridgeration tech to help you out there. they can top 'er off with F12 or convert it over to the newer "drop-in" replacement Freon's such as the new 401/410/F134a,etc. by the way don't be tempted to mix automotive type F134a with F12, it's not compatible with electric-motor compressor oils and it will react with the oil and sludge up the unit (Just a note that here in the Detroit area F12 goes for about $40-50 bucks for 12 oz. if you can find some on the street, and sorry, no I don't have any

hopr the info helps (PS "drop-in" means it will replace F12 NOT mix with it!, and is compatable with electric compressor oils)