« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2005, 09:18:48 am » |
Here's the Vending Mechanism from the manual:
My six cents, Jim 
« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2005, 09:35:17 am » |
The fan not turning could be caused by a myriad of things but the most common is a short/bad winding(s) which is not economically recoverable. It's cheaper just to replace unless it's an odd ball motor that's obsolete and unavailable, then you will have to investigat getting the motor winding re-wound.
The other more common, although much lower on the list, is a bad connection at the compressor. I've seen the wires seperate from their respective connectors thus rendering the compressor/condensor fan inoperable.
I would assume your problem is the first one listed which means you'd be out around $20 for a new motor again assuming that it's not a "freak/odd ball" motor.
Hope this helps! Oh yeah, congrats on the awesome find!! '>
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2005, 09:39:18 am » |
If you're still having vending problems, here's some additional information to assist:
My six cents, Jim 
dr galaga
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2005, 10:25:56 am » |
Markito- *Did you get the pdf that I sent - I know people sometimes have problems with hotmail and large attachements. *Hows the lube job? Do you think some of the parts need oiled? I know when I got my 63, some areas felt like they would not vend. I oiled the vending mechanism and it works fine.
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2005, 12:43:17 pm » |
Thanks guys, I'll keep looking into the coin mech/vend issue. In the meantime, can any of you offer tips/advice on removing the fan motor without removing the whole compressor unit from the machine? Anyone unscrew it while in the machine?
Thanks, ~ 'kito
dr galaga
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2005, 03:04:07 pm » |
Quote (Markito @ Aug. 10 2005,3:01) | I know how to rig electric vends for free-vend, but is there anyway to rig this V-110 mechanical for free vend so that we could at least use the machine until I get the coin rejector fixed? | I bet you could make it, but you would have to take some parts out of it. If you take the rejector out, what happens if you drop a coin down in to the actuator? Does it vend?
« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2005, 08:46:07 pm » |
Markito, Since you say the handle operates and drops coins in the box, setting to free play is not really gonna help the problem. However I agree with Jim in that the photo shows the vending rods that turn are not lined up correctly...and the door will shut with them out of whack.
If you get that working, here is a cheat to set it to free vend:
I think it is part number 20 on the diagram Dr. Galaga sent…it is a small lever with a spring that pushes it toward the “gears” on the vending mech. Take a short piece of stiff wire (# 14 copper or so) and bend it into a loop and loop it over the small lever. Then, just brace the other end of the wire into the slot of the housing. It will hold the spring/lever out and let the vending handle function.
Hope it works Here are some photos also.
« Reply #48 on: August 10, 2005, 08:47:06 pm » |
Here is what the wire looks like.
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2005, 08:48:37 pm » |
And here is the final photo of the wire holding the lever back keeping it from engaging.
Good Luck, jeff