Thanks Johnnie, I will check the current draw when I get back in town. I think I still have a clamp on ammeter.
Since the thermostat is a 3 wire unit, would it also function to dropout the start winding? I'm not familiar with a 3 wire thermostat.
Nope, that would be silly,
the third wire was typically used as a small heater to keep condensation out of the housing when they had mounted the thetmostats indide the cold area, not the best idea if you think about it, ever notice that all earlier T-stats are located outside of the cold area?
Simply use your ohm meter to see which pair of wires are for the control contacts, there is a common wire & a switched wire, you may use a can of duster spray as a source of cold "freeze" spray by holding it upside fown & spraying it on the T-stats sensing end to test the unit.