Thanks Slider-Bob. The screw spacing looks about the same. Would you measure that spacing for me? My mech don't have a lever coming out of it. The machine had original paint and there's no color difference there so I wonder if it was just pre drilled and inserted but never added. Have you had sliders with the inserts installed with out boxes?
Johnny...I have the 2 mechs off the machine in 2 different cardboard boxes. I can measure the hole distance center to center (side to side, and top to bottom) for the 4 holes.
I would suspect the 2 original mechs are long gone on your machine (now they are on mine...haha), and yours got replaced with a single 10 cent mech. Never seen a slider with extra holes threaded like yours, except mine.
Glen...I have a faygo 81 transitional where the deposit sticker was 2 cents on it. Was there ever a deposit on bottles of 1 cent? Not sure this was so much as a 20% revenue increase for this work (from 5 cents to 6 cents), but rather for the bottle deposit. Hmmm?