Ya and then when we bring across the boarder another 5% GST for business or 13% if it's private .
Don't you love Canadian Taxes ? lol
Or just bring in a RC 81 and claim it as a 400 dollar purchase..... 52 dollars in taxes lol
They have tried SO many times to get me at the border on some of my purchases..... I've learned the system SO well.....
1. Never say you found it on the internet in ANY way... then they will ask to see your emails or the site you found it from.
2. Always say you paid cash for the machine from money won at a casino... if you say you took the money from the bank, they will ask to look at your banking.
3 Never have the phone number of the person you bought it from with you.... say you contacted him from home that morning or the day before to arrange the pick up.
4. Don't have the address of the pick up on you... say you threw it out at the last gas station...
5. DONT delete all the numbers on your phone.. just the ones pertaining to the purchase... deleting all numbers look suspicious.
6. Tell them you got the machine from your friend calling you at home about the tip... this way no trace to the seller.
7. You don't know your frineds number as it is saved on your home phone, as he is just a hobby friend.
8. I almost ALWYAS say I am using the machine / cooler for parts.
I'm sure Im missing a few more things.. but basically NO ties to get the border to have a paper trail. Once I even told them when I brought over my Coke 55 complete cooler (claimed 100. ) that it's only worth what one is willing to pay OR what someone sold it as. Someone would pay 3k for it, someone else would want 3k to haul it away to the dump. There is NO blue book value on these machines.
Antiques are tax free I was told.. but they have to be 100 years or older.... so basically 35 years to go and its tax free