Very Nice ! ! !
Is this an original pole/base?
I actually made the pole and the base myself. The base is a disk blade that I bought from a local John Deere dealer which I welded a 2" pipe coupling on it and the pole is a 42" long piece of steel water pipe that I got from Home Depot. I then got a can of rustoleum silver paint and a really cheap paint brush and used that to paint the pole to make it look more authentic. The junction box and the speakers are original except for the cords and the actual speakers inside the aluminum housing (speakers were blown when I bought them from the drive-in) but they have been replaced with original parts from the manufacturer (the company who made them was still in business up until last year). I like the old weathered look of the speakers and the junction box because that is how I remember seeing them in use at the drive-in.
Here is a comparison between the real speaker pole at the I-70 Drive-in and my speaker pole. (They hook right into a radio so I bring them along with me on my drive-in trips)