First a Big “Thank You” to Rod and Janet... As always they reserved the room at the restaurant for us all to gather and talk of our finds of the year.. They also gave out
2015 calendars, a cup holder and a bottle opener (that has a light and measuring tape in it) for when you are out hunting and find that machine or cooler
in that dark cellar and need to measure it to make sure you can get it out! Thanks Folks!
I thought the show was good.. just nothing I needed.. Most of the round top machines that showed up were from members here and there where a
few really nice restored machines.
Not as many gas pumps and machines as last year... And I think over all not as many smalls.. like gumball machines, soda fountain pieces, radios, etc..
a few vendors that are always there were missed.. Sad that Wayne's Clock booth wasn't there.. Don't know what will happen there, I hope his family
carries on or someone buys it and keeps it going... I did get to spend some time with friends I only talk with here on the site or on the phone.
And I got to help load a friends cooler.. would have looked better in my truck.

But it's going to a good home.
The show makes me appreciate what I have found in the past as items gets harder and harder to find.
I was in one booth when a man came in and talked with the dealer on how he saw a certain item being found on American Pickers and what they paid for it...
The dealer just rolled their eyes... She says she hears it all the time.. drives them crazy... She said folks just don't realize that most of that show is staged
and the prices they pay are way off for the most part.