cause just like me, I know all of you guys/gals are out there scrounging through stuff looking for soda machines, we all run into different items....

A few weeks ago I found an 81D on Craigslist at a very reasonal price.
I met the guy at his office and followed him up to a very nice gated home in the hills above Los Angeles.
This 4 bdrm house sat on the hill above the horse stables and barn containing an 81 that was stored there since 1982.
After I loaded the machine the guy said "take anything else you want....developers are going to demolish these buildings next week to make room for condo's."

I just couldn't let them junk this piece of history.
Too bad about the bottom lip of this tailgate, it's pretty crispy but it still has the sockets intact for mounting.
I'll sell it to you at my cost.
Edit : This may be pre-1948