lol.. What? Where? How?

Actually, I'm giving back to Michigan, and having that machine you sold me (the generic 110) being restored (as we speak I think) by one of the best in your state. So, as much as she's been good to me, I'm paying her back

Although as of late, MI is a little dry with the quality of machines (that I'm noticing) and OH, NY are raising the bar for good finds (for me at least)
I'm actually working on getting 2 machines at the same time (from different sellers) from a state that I've never bought from before. I have a deal done with one guy, but the other is humming and hawing, and unless I can get both (they are just 30 miles apart of each other) I'm not doing the long drive that it is just for one machine.
IF I get them, I will post my find here. Although I can't pick up anything until my large screw comes out of my ankle from my broken leg, which comes out this week FINALLY!
The pins and plate along the side stay forever