Kevin C
« on: October 19, 2004, 08:49:57 am » |
I just purchased a Vendo 63 on Ebay & picked up the machine last week. I started with the basic cleaning to remove the 30-40 years worth of crud in the bottom of the machine. I have been documenting the process with my digital camera. The Vendo 63 did cool when I picked it up. I have removed the cooling unit to allow for the cleaning & I am preparing to upgrade the electrical cord & possible change out the two blower motors. I hope to have the machine back up & in operation by Thanksgiving.
The biggest issue right now appears to be the lower pan inside the cabinet. The condensation drain was clogged & there is a great deal of rust. I am thinking of making a replacement pan to fit on top of the existing pan. Anyone have any success finding an original replacment.
I plan on using the hose to finish cleaning the crud out tonight.
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2004, 11:50:25 am » |
Sounds like a great project, can't wait to see the results. I just recently purchased a Vendo Square Top 56 with hopes of restoring it. It's in working condition, but needs TLC. The previous owner set it to free vend all the time but I am not sure how to set it back to use the coin mech. The coin mech accepts money and I hear a click so I think it is working. However the bottles pull free all of the time so the locking lever never works. I believe the gate locks have been tampered with, won't know until I take it apart, but right now I enjoying cold soda until I start the restoration.
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2004, 12:41:22 pm » |
Thecount I just finished a restoration on a vendo 56 square top. I can't answer your vending problem since that is aboiut the only thing I didn't tare into on the machine. But I just wanted to let you know to feel free to ask me anything you get stuck on. Either ask me here or email me at
Kevin C
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2004, 08:22:30 am » |
I will start posting a few of the pictures of the clean up.
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
Kevin C
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2004, 07:21:34 pm » |
Here is the Vendo 63
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
Kevin C
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2004, 07:25:13 pm » |
Trying again. Vendo 63 Photo
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
Kevin C
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2004, 07:29:31 pm » |
Here is the inside the machine with the 30 plus years of crud.
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
Kevin C
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2004, 07:31:45 pm » |
The bottom of the machine with the mouse nest & curd.
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
Kevin C
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2004, 07:42:50 pm » |
Here is the picture of the tag. Any ideas on the age of the machine.
The manufacture number 4KK 069171
The serial number reads 326915H
Right now I have the machine apart in the garage under going a major cleaning. I have removed the cooling system & replaced both of the fan motors. I own an Air conditioning company and for everyones information I picked up the fan motors at the local CC Dickson supply house for $19.50 each. So there is no need for anyone to buy the motors at auction or on-line. I am working on the galvinized lower panel inside the cooling compartment. It appears that the condensation drain line clogged & caused the rust.
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job
Kevin C
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2004, 08:42:14 pm » |
Here is a picture of the bottom of the machine cleaned up.
So now I will start working on the interior lower galvinized pan that is rusted.
Vendo 63-C On the job Vendo 56 Going back together Vendo 56-C Waiting for rehab! Vendo 126 Rough outside but loaded & operational Vendo 110 Under repair Ideal 55 - **For Sale make offer Glasco 55 - Waiting Royal 650 On the job Lance Snack Machine - On the job