I am going to get my Atlas slider back from the blaster next week and then send it off to paint. I want to try and restore it back to as original looking as possible. But, I'm having a hard time finding the decals. I know I can get them made, but I wanted to see what everybody thought. I know it's all personal preference, but this is only my second machine to restore so I just wanted to see what you all would do as most have much more experience.
I know it's hard to see, but the first picture below is the decal that was on the side door. Due to the fading, you can barely see the Dr. Pepper writing and background oval. The front of the unit also had the same decal it was just bigger (second picture). Both were faded pretty bad but it seems to be a red rectangle with a white oval and red text. Maybe the fading is playing tricks on me, but this is the is the opposite (as far as color scheme) that what I'm used to seeing. The last picture below is one I grabbed off Google to show the design that's on my machine as it's hard to see on the actual machine. Again, the only difference is the colors are inverted.
If finding or making the decal is too much trouble I was thinking of getting a porcelin Dr. Pepper sign (or just a decal) you see on the older machines (like the 81s) and then maybe a small decal on the side or a clock. I know that's not what was on that machine, but it would probably look okay. What do ya'll think?