Oh my Gawd!!!! we're all DEAD!!!
Quote; "Replacing the refrigeration unit with a modern substitute will not properly weigh the machine down and could create a dangerous tipping hazard." That's right you may tip over 20% for your meal...
as my son would say "WHAT A Freak'n DERP! "
Now that you have those nice little piles on the basement floor, & realize you've just destroyed your machine, NOW it's time too call that "professional" (Who will charge you double to just look at the mess, let alone consider restoring the machine ( er rusty piles of parts) for double what you'd have paid in the first place....
PS this is "resto-rips" secret to vending machine restoration, have someone else do it & take all of the credit! oh & don't forget to do a special on your cable TV channel. those missing parts are only a swap meet down the street away!