That's exactly what I'm talking about. Oh, and $750 is a great price for that little compressor. When you get up into the K, E, 4R, and 6R Discuss The worst thing on rebuilding those types of compressors,
when you have $1200 tied up in a rewind and the "customer" calls you back in 2 hours and let's you know the compressor "just quit working"...GRRRRR
Made my partner retire, no fooling.
Ken, sure... the guy on ebay is less money than what I charge. I understand he'll even throw in the diamond plate for free...hahaha. I build "true" drop in replacement units, specific to your machine. To do it right, it cost more. Johnie and I talked about his units as well. If you'll look close, he uses the exact same coil for the upper evaporator as well as the lower condenser...both are Copeland condenser coils. The other "flag" is he doesn't use an accumulator but a copper spun drier, for expansion. In layman's's WRONG and it's simply a pile of parts, thrown together. In my shop, I also do ALL of my own sheet metal work. Not just tin snips but 60" shear and 72" pan break. I have a full sheet metal shop within a refrigeration shop.
This is the point...experience, equipment, brick and mortar shop, supplies, ALL cost money. Remember the old adage..."you get what you pay for". Ask ANYONE who has used me, I stand behind every single unit I build...and you can take that to the bank!