Me: Sweety, come check this out <beckons toward computer>
Her: <sigh> <eye roll> What?
Me: I've been looking for one of these FOREVER, the price is cheap, cheap!
Her: What's it worth?
Me: At least 3 times that, this guy doesn't know what he has!!!!
Her: Is it a good investment??
Me: Oh yeah! Totally! But, if I don't leave within the next 2 hours, somebody else will get it <big frown & sad face>
Her: Are you sure? Can't you just wait a few days?
Me: No, no, no! It'll be gone and WE will miss out on it! I know for a fact that if WE got it and put it on Ebay that it would sell for way more than WE'd have in it!
Her: Really? That's the problem! You never sell anything!!! Go ahead and get it........
And so it goes!