Well the weather forecast for Detroit for Friday, Saturday and Sunday is 90, 90 and 88 with a slight chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. I guess it would not be time for the Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day walk if it wasn't hotter and muggier than H-E-double hockey sticks! My son and I got the finishing touches put on our hair tonight so we are ready to go. We were fortunate to raise close to $13,000 this year for the fight against breast cancer.
Wish us well and if you are in the Detroit area, we would love to see you at the cheering stations. Here is a link to the spectator information:
http://www.the3day.org/site/PageServer?pagename=MI_SpectatorThe cheering station in downtown Plymouth is unbelieveable!!!
Here is a picture and pray for no rain!
PS--that is a pink mohawk my son is sporting!