clowery--I apologize for the tone of my last post but it was not my intention to be offensive. Just

venting a little frustration on recently being asked to pay $8,000 for a machine that I just picked up for $500 and being asked $6,000 for a machine that is not worth $600 on a good day.
As the other guys have said, it is a rare machine that goes for the kind of money that you have indicated you would like to see for your Icy-O. And with the current economy, the prices for all collectibles are down (regardless of what the guys on Pawn Stars and Pickers say on their TV show). You can search E-Bay completed listings and see a lot of machines that people are asking $5,000 plus for but none of them ever sell. As the other guys have said, you may find a serious Coke collector who wants that machine to complete a collection.
An overdue welcome to the site!
