Not going to get much sympathy from us that over 60, try growing up in the 40-50-60's.
If you had a TV it was black and white. You had one phone, sitting on a table with a cord and a dial.
No Air conditioning, Milkman came every day. Never heard of a school bus.
No copiers, used mimeograph instead, Typewriters had cloth ribbons. to open a soda or beer you needed a
church key.
Rotary phones lasted a while. Remember if you made a mistake while dialing...5 (tick, tick, tick, tick, tick,) 4 (tick, tick, tick, tick) 2 (tick, tick) 8 (tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick), 6...o crap! Start over....5 (tick, tick, tick, tick, tick)...