Hi, I just found this manual. I thought it would be good to share it with other people (since it is hard to come across old manuals - for me atleast
It is a service manual for Dixie Narco Machines:
DNCB 432T/252-5-5
DNCB 501T/280-7-8
DNCB 180/105-5
DNCB 522T/300-5-6
DNCB 600T/340-7-8
DNCB 168/99-5-6
DNCB 630T/360-5-6
DNCB 630/360-5-6
DNCB 240/138-5-6
DNCB 276/162-5-6
DNCB 360/210-5-6
DNCB 432/246-5-6
DNCB 320/184-7-8
DNCB 368/216-7-8
DNCB 440/252-7-8
DNCB 348/206-9-10
DNCB 414/239-9-10
DNCB 304/174-9-10
(You may need to log-in to the website in order to download it)
http://soda-machines.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=126&Itemid=61- Flightfanatic