Ok, heres the story, i get a call from a guy in the Minneapolis area telling me he has a coke machine for sale,(typical call I get). I start to ask him details about it and quickly learn it's a slider, and of course ask about the coke lettering, he says it's raised, I then ask (calmly) if the words in bottles is also raised underneath the logo, he says yes!. SO I (calmly) ask again so what are you looking to get for the cooler... Typical answer comes back saying I am not sure what these are worth, followed by a long story of where he found it ..blah blah blah.... OK ,by this time, i'm thinking I want to buy it but of course think I might be able to get a deal on it so I told him what my other sliders where selling for and made him an offer.
The guy says he'll think about it and wants to do some reasearch.
And don't get me wrong, I love this site, but he finds this site and finds another discussion about that FAKE embossed slider that I brouht up a few weeks earlier, and I think Glen chimed in and a few others about value of a real one that sold for 1000 or 2000 restored. and of course quickly puts together that I was in on that conversation.
so he emails me back telling me that I'm trying to "Fraud" him and "Steal" his machine from him with my low offer... Of course I'm P(&&$ed off by now and say, you didn't have a price in mind when you called me I gave you an offer and we where to take it from there... I tried to explain to him that I can't be a seller and a buyer in one transaction, and that of course I'm going to try to get a deal on anything I buy, who wouldn't...
we'll I see this deal going south and so I make him another Fair offer, I was not going to offer $1000 but thought my offer was fair....
a week goes by and he says he thought about it and sold it to someone else... Oh well, I ask what he got for it and of course he's too proud and won't tell me , I was just curious as I wanted to know?? SO needless to say, I missed out on it? maybe I played it wrong?, maybe I should have just offered more up front? but it sure would have been fun to get it for less?
any thoughts, advice or just tell me I'm stupid for "playing the game". oh well.. I hope that someone got it and enjoys this Rare Gem!, and I know it's in Minneapolis so maybe it will come up for sale again?...
here's a picture. (It's the real deal and it was complete with coin mech and rack, mech not shown in photo).