I have the solution to this one. When I saw the post, I went to craigslist in Racine and checked it out. There were two "vintage Pepsi Machine" listings. The one he posted ( with the picture) had no picture. The other listing had the picture but it wasn't the listing that was posted here. Interesting Brenda because right when I saw this post I immediately texted and tried to call, but got no response. Strange that after that, the person would let you drive over there to see it ( the wrong one)
Anyway, I did make contact with the person owning the CV68. They had already sold it. Long story about a dead brother and a sister in Chicago wanted the thing gone. The compressor was no good. It sold for $525.00.
Mystery solved
Ok, the post and the pic arrived to me from my search engine, a computer glitch. My good intentions of helping the forum resulted in a waste of time for Brenda which sucks! I have helped many here before, again my intentions were genuine .
Brenda, thinking I pulled a prank phoned me and informed me it was the wrong machine but told me the seller had another machine there a rc 81 that the seller " didn't know what they had". My jaw dropped and I was happy for her. I deleted the pic and posted the note about scoring a 81.