No, it’s not crisscrossed onto the wrong post. Some of the bars reach the pivot pins in the back perfectly and some don’t reach them at all and are just kind of hanging out there in limbo. I believe that’s what you saw. Are the spacers in the correct position? Long on the ends and short everywhere else? I’ve taken before pics of everything I’ve touched on this machine for reference, but for some idiotic reason, I didn’t take one of this before I started screwing around with it. I’ll get it right eventually.
sounds like you've found your problem then...incorrect reassembly, very easy to do on this rack when you have a jumble of parts in a pile, all rods should land on their respective posts & end up parallel with each other within the vending slot(s) I've owned all models of this machine & I've always cleaned the racks as a whole & only took it apart one section at a time to replace broken or missing links, I have many parts for these machines for the 60/78/124, but not a rack to be found in my storage unit to use as an example...sorry
so in hindsight, should of kept it assembled...I know I've learned my leason in the past. ( which is why I don't work on my own mechanical/ crank handle change giving coinmechs either)