Just a quick update. The seat handles are fixed and the seats work. My dad handled the repair work, he's the mechanically inclined member of the family. The Dorman kit worked, except the screws weren't long enough. The metal insert in each handle had for lack of a better term keys that went into slots on the broken stud. Those keys should've been tapered. He made it work though. Hopefully it will hold up a good long time now.
GM made the studs out of
pot metal.
Even though the Dorman kit isn't perfect, I'd say it's still a better deal than what GM did. I say that not being mechanically inclined myself.
The driver's seat was already broke. I finished off the passenger side on the trip to look at that Coke machine a couple weeks back. They're both fixed now though.
Hooray for cheap but hopefully solid aftermarket parts!