Title: Free Vend: Electro Mechanical Slant Shelf Post by: Jim on September 08, 2007, 06:30:44 am This tutorial was posted by zadd:
There's a small metal box with three screws on the bottom of the bottle stack. Take the cover off and pull the vending lever towards you and take a plastic tie and run it through a non-screw hole and loop it around the lever and stretch it tight as you can and that should do it . Put your cover back on and there you go. Title: Re: Free Vend: Electro Mechanical Slant Shelf Post by: MoonDawg on September 08, 2007, 11:58:47 am This pictorial of a Vendo is great. Cavalier is the same
principal......different configuration. Pic's of that should be included with this tutorial. Title: Re: Free Vend: Electro Mechanical Slant Shelf Post by: vintagegamer on February 12, 2010, 05:35:41 pm Can anyone help with info like this on a V165 serpentine?
VG Title: Re: Free Vend: Electro Mechanical Slant Shelf Post by: killer71 on March 01, 2013, 06:51:09 am Attachments aren't working for me?
Title: Re: Free Vend: Electro Mechanical Slant Shelf Post by: mph86 on September 07, 2013, 05:43:46 pm I'm missing the metal box. Does anyone know where I can get this, or at least what it's called?