SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Refrigeration => Topic started by: ck on June 15, 2015, 10:26:33 pm

Title: VMC 27 compressor keeps running
Post by: ck on June 15, 2015, 10:26:33 pm
I just restored my VMC 27 I have the original compressor but I had to put  a new thermostat, start capacitor and compressor fans in it. The problem I have is when the thermostat shuts off ,the compressor keeps running. I have voltage everywhere in the system even when it shuts off. The best we can come up with is that there is a bare wire in the compressor that is shorting out thru the oil but nothing shows up when we try metering  it. Obviously we are missing something here!!!!!!!
Guys can you help me out here?

Title: Re: VMC 27 compressor keeps running
Post by: Windows on July 26, 2015, 11:52:22 pm
When the stat shuts off is it open ?  make sure it's opening no power across it you could have a bad stat . If it's off with wires disconnected ( unit unplugged safety first ) and stat off check you have no continuity across it . If the stats good make sure your wires are not crossed up somewhere I'm assuming the unit is pulling down to temp ? Hope this helps a bit