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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Sodak Bob on September 27, 2009, 11:47:42 am

Title: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Sodak Bob on September 27, 2009, 11:47:42 am
After much consideration and coaching from the wife - I am thinking of selling my popcorn machines.  I kinda fell into both of them and I am running out of room for my soda machines.  The popperette is 100% complete and original.  The U-Pop-it is 99 % complete and all original.  Brian hooked me up with a guy who has my missing actuator arm, and once complete - I think I'll go the Ebay route.  I hope i don't regret it, but I think I will test the waters and if they don't sell - I guess I was meant to keep them.   I return from Canada on Oct 10th and hope to have the missing arm by then.....   Any thoughts ?  Or am I crazy for even thinking about it ? 

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: MoonDawg on September 27, 2009, 12:07:26 pm
        No Bob, you're not crazy. After all, who needs 2 popcorn machines...who even NEEDS 1 popcorn machine? ( I do)!  :biggrin:

        I really don't have an answer for you but I always thought I liked the Popperette best, until you pictured them side by side. Now I think I favor the looks of the U-pop-it better.     Anyone else care to express an opinion?

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: MCarter on September 27, 2009, 12:26:05 pm

Did u get the manual i sent you? I found the coin reject button in my pile of stuff. So do u need the bat wing? Wish the best on the sale.

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: RC kid on September 27, 2009, 12:29:38 pm
I had a popcorn machine once. It was years ago and I thought I didn't really have the room for it, so I sold it. I miss that machine.

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Larry on September 27, 2009, 12:39:45 pm
I'd sell the wife instead. :laugh:

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: collecture on September 27, 2009, 12:53:56 pm
I'll give you $50 for the Popperette - that will double your investment - right?
I too have been thinking I need to sell some items - so little time and too much stuff!
Good luck with the sales!

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: GreginNM on September 27, 2009, 01:28:17 pm

I too am partial to the looks of the U-Pop-it!  I don't yet have a popcorn machine, and would like to one day.  I know how the wife can suggest the sale of things, and it seems the best to do.  Perhaps she would be happy with the profit realized from the sale of one of the two and allow you to keep the other (provided you actually use one of them).  If they just sit collecting dust, then the pestering to sell seems to get louder!  I know my wife is ok with the working things, but gets annoyed with the things that just sit and don' t work.  In the long run, do what you feel is best and don't look back!

Or, I can come pick them both up from you and get them out of your hair!   :biggrin:  Save you the trouble of selling them!   :tounge:


Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Sodak Bob on September 27, 2009, 01:54:53 pm
Greg - That is exactly where I am sitting on the machines.  Everyone loves my soda and candy machines because they are used every day. The Popperette  works fine, but i just don't use it.   The U-Pop-It needs electrical work before it can be tried out -   In my opinion - they should both be restored and I just don't know if I want to turn that corner....   When I do list them, I will be on the high end, that way I will not have any regrets, and if they don't sell - that's ok too..   I guess I'll cross that bridge later - first  - I have a big walleye swimming around up north with my name on it !!!

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Eric on September 27, 2009, 08:26:23 pm
I would sell the one you like least first... you get your money and your happy/content then you still have one.
later on if you still feel you don't need any popcorn machines sell the other....
I prefer the U-Pop-It over the other also.... looks like it should be in a old theatre hallway
next to a Coke (or Pepsi) machine.....
 but that's my 2 cents.... sell one at a time... best of luck!

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 27, 2009, 09:10:27 pm
either way bob, your in a good position, you have both of the best machines out there, figure which one you'd miss the most and keep it for now and sell the other.
I have a popperrette and love it ,use it almost every weekend for a few bags of popcorn for foot ball game snack.. would like to have the u pop it too, but can't justify having both.. but would be fun.

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: bubba on September 28, 2009, 05:25:50 am
I like the U-pop-it style better after seeing them side by side. Thats a tough decision.. good luck.

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: oldskoolcoinop on September 28, 2009, 08:35:09 pm
For me, the U-Pop-It has a more 50's vending machine look, like the soda, candy and cigarette machines of the era. If I had one, there's no way I would sell it unless I REALLY needed the money. Good luck in your decision, I wish I had it to make.  :tounge:

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Larry on September 28, 2009, 09:30:37 pm
I think I am the only one partial to the Popperette.  I have seen both together and I like the Popperette better.  I like the forties look.  A lot of tiers and trim, plus the globe on top filled with corn tops it off.  The U Pop its look more like a gas pump or Coke machine.  Bob's Popperette doesn't have the usual stand with the trim, which takes away from the look a bit.  He has the other style stand, with the hinged door.  His is the second one that I have seen like that.

As far as watching one work, the U Pop It would be more interesting to watch. 

Does anyone have a video of a U Pop It working???

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Creighton on September 29, 2009, 02:15:46 am
Cool machines! Since they aren't being used take the cash and buy something that the entire family can enjoy.
Hope the sales go well!!

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: BrianB on September 29, 2009, 08:37:35 am
As a current owner of a Popperette and a restorer of both versions of the U-Pop-It/Minit-Pop I will have to say that from a purely looks basis I like the Popperette better for basically the same reasons as Larry.

As far as operationally, I like the U-Pop-It better. As the machine runs thorugh a cycle there is more to watch. Also, there is a whole lot less that can go terribly wrong with the U-Pop-It that would render the machine useless and looking at a lot of money to fix with the only exception being the Hot Plate which will fail regardless of what the operator does to it short of a direct hit by lightning or a serious over-voltage situation.

A video is one thing I don't think I have. Matt?

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 29, 2009, 03:23:05 pm
I'm on the fence too, I love the restored U pop it.. it looks great, but being a popperette owner, I love it as it provides some different shapes in my collection of "Square" shape machines and Gas pumps...They are both great machines, but if they aren't being used, or you just don't like them anymore, sell them off and get something else.. that is the great thing about this hobby,, soo much to want, hunt for and find..!

Larry and I both have videos of the Popperette working on You Tube, but can someone please post a video of the U Pop it working,, I too have never seen on in operation...

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: MCarter on September 29, 2009, 09:37:06 pm
Well guys i dont have a video. Maybe John can come down and film it post it for me.  :biggrin:  I would keep the one you like the best.

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 30, 2009, 08:56:25 am
They sure are a beautiful thing when all restored.. looks great Matt..

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Yarochrehc on September 30, 2009, 04:52:35 pm
What the heck, I'd take either one of the machines. :darn: :darn: I really don't need another hobbie!!

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: BrianB on October 01, 2009, 06:45:40 am
Another hobby?? These machines all fall under the ever expanding umbrella of "Things that take coins". In my book it's all in the same family. Therefore, the same hobby! See, isn't that an easier way of looking at it?  :biggrin:

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: bubba on October 01, 2009, 11:01:24 am
Another hobby?? These machines all fall under the ever expanding umbrella of "Things that take coins". In my book it's all in the same family. Therefore, the same hobby! See, isn't that an easier way of looking at it?  :biggrin:

I like that logic... I'm a collector of things that take coins... Soda machines, video games, jukeboxes, kids, candy machines.... :biggrin:

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: davethebirdman on October 01, 2009, 11:32:53 am

I have to agree too... Anything that takes a coin is in my book worth collecting...

They are all inter linked, that 's what I telll Mrs B anyway...

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: Larry on October 01, 2009, 12:07:27 pm
Maybe I should start collecting hobos??????? :Oo:

Title: Re: Popperette and U-Pop-It
Post by: oscar on October 01, 2009, 12:10:45 pm
I just call it the Vending Machine hobby. You can include everything that takes a coin.