SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: stevensugg on July 12, 2009, 08:19:07 am

Title: Low Quarter setting
Post by: stevensugg on July 12, 2009, 08:19:07 am
I have a Coinco 9300 coin mech. I understand the DIP switch setting that controls Low Quarters. With the switch "Off", the machine will fill the tube up with 77 quarters and then start routing them to the cash box. With the switch "On", the machine will fill the tube to 22 quarters before routing them to the cash box.

My question is "Why?" Why would I set the switch to Low... or High for that matter? The only thing I can posit is that if you don't have a dollar bill acceptor, then the machine would never have to dispense quarters as change, but in that case, the low setting could be set to 0 quarters, instead of 22. I think I'm missing something... Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Low Quarter setting
Post by: johnieG on July 12, 2009, 08:48:20 pm
I guess what I'm thinking, ( or over thinking perhaps ) If the vending price isn't above a dollar, why worry about it?  It was originally set low or high depending on how much change the coinmech might need, if say the vending price was set to 75 cents & the machine had a DBA attached & it would be expected to return a lot of quarters. so the switch would be set high/25.

For home use the 9300 is over-kill anyway, unless you are using the machine for vintage vending or something along those lines.

Title: Re: Low Quarter setting
Post by: vend_dr on July 13, 2009, 06:23:50 pm
Remember these coin mechs were new when it wasn't uncommon for coffee prices to be .25 and soda prices to be .50 so when dollar acceptors came about you wanted the high quarter setting because people would complain if you gave them dimes and nickles. So if the mech was going in a machine with a dollar acceptor you would have it on high and if it was on a machine without one you would have it on low. Think of how much extra cash was tied up in the machines (since most companies have hundreds of machines out there) if you always had high accept on.