SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: ussexplorer on July 07, 2009, 12:22:28 am

Title: The Beer Nut Salt Lake City Utah (Bottle Capper, sodamix , and bottle caps)
Post by: ussexplorer on July 07, 2009, 12:22:28 am
So went down to salt lake city and while driving around my girlfriend pointed out that there was a beer supply store. She knows I was looking for bottle caps and a capper. Sure enough they had both. Picked up 1 pound worth of caps and the capper for 23.xx (this includes tax). So not to bad. Not sure how many caps are in 1 pound. So now I have my mexico coke bottles ready to go. Tip for cleaning off sticky tag is cooking oil. Go figure worked great. So now I'm looking for a few other bottles.
I was so excited about finding that I forgot to ask them if they had soda flavors. I e-mailed them and they do. But I'm not sure when I'm going to order them or make it down there. So for now I'll probably take a plastic or hopefully if I can find a big glass jug over to the still and fill up on coke from a ftn. For those in the slc area.
1200 S State St
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
They was very nice and helpfull. Also what is not on state st? lol

